Thursday, April 12, 2007

Simple beef and noodles.


500g beef, sliced into strips
150g egg noodles
half a broccoli head, in florets
20ml sesame oil
2 spring onions, sliced

45 ml low salt soy
30ml oyster sauce
15ml ketchup
15ml white wine winegar
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
2cm thick ginger, peeled and grated

Cook the noodles according to the package. When one min remains on the cooking time, throw in the broccoli. Once done, drain of the water and pour cold water on the noodles to make them not stick to each other.
Combine the sauce and set aside.
Place the oil in a big saucier or a wok. When really hot, start frying the beef strips a couple at a time to make sure they don't draw water. When each batch is done, place on a hot plate and cover with foil. Once all beef is done, combine the beef, sauce and noodles in the saucier and cook till the noodles are warm. Serve.

drink: Durbanville Hills, Shiraz 2003

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