Monday, May 14, 2007

Noodle soup with five spice beef.

Due to a small emergency the beef got a tad to medium, should be medium rare for this dish.


500g rump steak
400g rice noodles
500ml chicken stock
or deli bought chicken stock
rec chili, deseeded and chopped
2 scallions, chopped
15ml g
rated ginger
7,5ml five spice powde
5ml chili powde
45ml vegetable oil

Cook the noodles acco
rding to instructions.
Combine the stock, chili and ginge
r in a pot and bring to the boil, then turn down and keep warm.
Mix the five spice powde
r and chili powder in the oil. Toss the beed in the mix.
ry the beef over high heat for about 3 min each side.
Portion the noodles into bowls, slice up the beef and place on the plates and scatte
r the onions over the dish. Finish with pouring the stock around the dish.

drink: black label

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